Even with the most ingenious menu planning and a ridiculous amount of culinary confidence, there are just some days that catch you by surprise and leave you standing there in front of the fridge thinking … what the hell are we going to feed the kids tonight, there is literally nothing easy on hand. Been there many times, and rather than stock up on expensive pre-made food or processed junk, we have come to the conclusion that frozen homemade burgers are the best invention of all time.
When any of your favourite meat or fish is on sale, you’ll be doing yourself a favour by stocking up on a moderate supply and spending time perfecting your own family recipe of healthy ingredients to nail down that personal mix of flavours and shaping it into a half-cup patty of pure deliciousness. Freeze it away safe and sound until that fateful day, when you’re there in front of your fridge, and it suddenly dawns on you: “You know hat gang, it’s homemade burgers tonight!”
… and the crowd … goes … wiiiiiild!