Random Impulses

My New Father’s Day BBQ Brush!

My brand new heavy duty BBQ brush ... perfect gift for an impulsive culinarian!
My brand new heavy duty BBQ brush … perfect gift for an impulsive culinarian!


What do you get a culinary Dad who already has everything he could already want for Father’s Day? How about a heavy duty, brightly coloured barbecue brush!

Like many folks, whether home chef or not, this time of year means LOTS of barbecuing, and cleaning that grill can be a challenge. If your grill sees a lot of heavy traffic like mine, you can totally put those metal grills right in the dishwasher for a really good intense cleaning. I do this around once or twice a year when things get a bit out of hand.

For every day stuff though, do yourself a favour and get a great BBQ brush like this one above to get every bit of the grill as clean as possible. To make life a bit easier, leave the burners on high for a minute or two after your last bit of food has left the grill. Turn off the burners and scrub well with your heavy duty BBQ brush; all those leftover bits will come off in no time after being charred by that handy “auto-clean”.

Don’t have a heavy duty brush? Wait till Father’s Day and ask your family to get you one … or two even ;)

I'm truly the luckiestdad alive, just look at this amazing crew!
I’m truly the luckiest dad alive, just look at this amazing crew!